All this baby-growing business has left me wiped out. Add a wedding every weekend since the beginning of June, and Tyler gone for 2 weeks to Africa, and that means no blogging time. All I want do when I do have free time is sleep.
Right now I'm about 9 weeks along: that means little Baby Spaid #2 is the size of a kidney bean. Not a whole lot of morning sickness, which is nice, but instead just an overall sensitive stomach and blah feeling that lasts all day. And I am not complaining, because I was nauseous every waking minute with Maggie my first trimester, so blah is good. Additionally, I have a severe aversion to having ANYTHING touch my midsection. Tightening pants (but I've not gained a single pound, I check
every day), elastic in underwear, skirts, you name it - they get unzipped. I now see why women wear mumu's - complete freedom. Anyone have some I can borrow?
Food is not my best friend. I KNOW what I should be eating: lots of fruits and vegetables, but they all sound gross right now, and most of the time the thought of cooking makes me want to gag and makes me sick to my stomach. We survive on PB&J's and cheese sandwiches, and Chick-Fil-A. It's pitiful. Now that Tyler is back, I am being more diligent to provide some sort of supper . But sometimes I can't eat it. I do like chicken and bread/crackers/muffins/biscuits.
But man, am I TIRED! I remember being tired with Maggie, but this is ridiculous. I can barely get out of bed in the morning, and it's all I can do to make it to Maggie's nap time so I can hit the sack, too. While Tyler was in Africa it was really bad, I was so tired I could barely stay up past Maggie's bed time, and most afternoons she got to watch a movie while I napped on the couch AFTER I took a nap when she did.
Maggie has been quite a trooper with her pooped out mom! She has grown quite an imagination to play by herself more, and on the bright side, we've been sitting and reading more books. And she really enjoys that, so do I. It's not like we can play outside, it's been 90+ since the end of June. Getting too hot is a sure way to make me sick to my stomach. So we stay inside with the A/C.
Tyler will do a separate post (or group of posts) about Africa, but catching up on work after being gone 2 weeks has been requiring a lot of his time. He had a great time, and really worked hard during the pastor's conference he was helping at. I missed him immensely while he was gone.
Ok, new pictures of Maggie. I know that's the only reason the grandparents stop here, so here they are:
One day while Tyler was gone she spent 2 hours painting. she made all kinds of maps. It was very cute. And then she had to write her name on them all.

Messing around at Wendy's. It was a wedding Friday, so that means eating out on the way home from the sitter's. Or she doesn't get to eat dinner until 7:30. So we stop. I

I did take her to the lake one afternoon for some swimming. She loved it.

Gorgeous girl!

So much attitude!