May 26, 2009

I've got a SEWING bug

For some reason I feel compelled to sew right now (even though I have no idea what I am doing). I made Maggie a new hooded towel and a pool robe (also from a towel). I've fixed half a dozen other items of clothing that needed repairing, too. Here's Maggie in her new hooded towel. The hood part is crazy large, but she likes it, and I didn't mess up on it one time. I did get help on the pool robe, which will make it's debut soon. It is too big for her right now, but I hope that it will last for several years after all the hassle with the bias tape on the edges. A big thank-you to
Shirley Haskins for showing me how to use her serger and for rethreading it after I messed it up.

- my apologies to anyone who could not previously figure out the title of this post. The track-pad on my laptop is really sensitive and sometimes I touch it without knowing it and the cursor jumps around as I type, implanting my type in odd places. Sorry!

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