May 29, 2006

I'm four months old now - can you believe it?

Here I am, 4 months old. If I do say so myself, I am pretty darn cute. So far I can eat, sleep 9 hours at night, make dirty diapers, suck on my thumb (I prefer the right thumb, I think I may be a lefty), smile, drool, coo, cry, screech, giggle (Mom thinks that is the best!!!), pull hair, put toys in my mouth, suck on my lower lip, and roll over every once in a while. I think this being a baby business is pretty cool. Mom says I have to go to the doctor for my 4 month check-up on Thursday, and something about more shots. I didn't like them the first time, I don't think I'll like them the second time, either. I'll make sure to let her know that I don't like them.

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