May 13, 2009

"Mama, Rock It!"

That's what Maggie kept telling me my card said on Mother's Day. It actually said "Mom, You Rock!" She's so darn sweet. I was treated to a house completely picked up by Tyler (I am a cleaner and sanitizer, but have a hard time tackling clutter), coffee and Krispy Kreme in bed before church, an orchid corsage* (purchase the night before so I could modify it to my taste {I know, I just can't help myself but modify my own gifts of flowers}), a peaceful & perfect morning where everyone got ready and in the car EARLY not late, everyone was happy, and a lunch at home of our traditional French Dip subs (I still make my own lunch, it's just special). It was a wonderful Mother's Day.

It was so sweet to be recognized and have a special day as a mom, but I am glad that I get to be a mom every day, even "those" days when they arrive. I wouldn't be a mom without Tyler and Maggie, and I am so very thankful for them and all their love the year 'round.

*You will note the corsage is resting on some of the palest of pink peonies from my garden. All three bushes flowered this year, despite all the bad rain we've been getting. Yay!


LuluandGeorgiesMom said...

I'm so glad you had a happy day together. I'm finally a member because I started my own blog, so I'm able to leave comments for you. I've been reading this blog for years, though and loving it!!

starbucksgirl said...

Nice post. Rock it Melissa!