August 11, 2012

Visit From Special Friends!!!

Whoo hoo! This summer was full of a lot of visitors: my mom, my dad & step-mom, Tyler's parents, and very specially the Spanglers!!!!!

Niki was the maid of honor in my wedding. She has a very special place in my heart, and although we have lived very far apart for all of our adult lives, that special place has never diminished. They recently moved from the Los Angeles area to Dallas, and I got visit them with a baby James. 

This year they drove from Dallas to North Carolina to visit, and I am so glad that 1) they have kids that do a good job in the car (we do not have one of those) and 2) Nashville is on the route! And also I threatened their lives if they drove past and did not stop for a visit. I had a wonderful time playing with their kids and cooking for them.
They were here right before 4th of July. Greg grew up in Phoenix and then lived in L.A.- no personal fireworks, ever. In his whole life. How sad. Here in the great state of Tennessee we get to the enjoy the freedom that is LARGE flammables, which are available in roadside tents that pop up about June 1st all over our county. Tyler took Greg one evening for a little shopping trip. Greg giggled like a schoolgirl for quite some time, I would venture to say that lighting off the fireworks he bought was the highlight of his Nashville stop.
This was one of the floor fountains we got - it was pretty cool for $3!
Addie, Niki, Scotty and Greg.
I love you guys! Come back soon!

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