January 18, 2008

Potty Training Update

We are in panties!!! Not always dry panties, but panties nonetheless. Recently Maggie developed a bad diaper rash, and she kept telling us about her boo-boo. We went to the doctor Thursday for some prescription cream. Well, on Wednesday after her nap at Mother's Day Out, she told her teacher she didn't want a diaper on because of her boo-boo, so she put her in just her pants! She walked around for an hour or so before it was time to go, I did put her in a pull-up for the trip home.

I thought I would just continue with no diaper and so Thursday we did panties all day except naptime. We had two pee-pee accidents right after Zayli got to my house and we were trying to get out the door (of course when I'm in a hurry!), but after that she ran errands for 2 hours and she did great. She went potty at 3 different places all without a fuss! I am thinking the constant reminder that an m&m is awaiting a successful trip is helping.

Today we left the house at 8:30 and didn't get back until 2 - and only one accident at lunch time. I think she wanted to eat rather than get down to go potty, but was really upset once she did pee in her pants. So no more diapers except at nap time and bed time. I did line her car seat with a plastic bag and a blanket, in case she forgets, but I think we just about have this potty-training thing down!

Here is a picture of her panties. They are like 6 inches across, teeny-tiny, and they are still a little baggy on her tiny buns!!! We also have Elmo and Happy Feet and Tinkerbell panties - but these ones are the smallest (and still too big).

I am in awe of how fast her childhood is whizzing by! She is just about potty trained and will be TWO next Sunday, the 27th. That's 1/10 of her childhood gone already. I remember clear as day when she was born, and bringing her home from the hospital, and her 1st birthday... Wow. I'm glad I've got about 3,000 pictures (yes, that's the count on my iPhoto on my Mac) of her from birth to now! She is such a wonderful blessing to us, we are grateful that the Lord has placed her in our lives. Everyone says it, but it really is amazing how much I love her and can't believe I ever had a life without her in it. I'm going to stop typing now, and go get a tissue!!!

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